
Friday, February 22, 2013

Meet Abraham Lincoln

Since President's Day was on Monday, this week we learned about who a president is, what he does, and where he lives.  The kids were very excited because they knew that I got to visit the White House in November.   :o)  They were full of questions. "Did you see this?"  "Did you see that?"

Although our week ended up being a very short week due to the crazy Kansas snow storm, we got to meet two of America's great presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln!

We made these cute little Abraham Lincoln masks, and the kids had a blast.  You should have heard them, "Hello, I am Abraham Lincoln."  "Nice to meet you. I am Abraham Lincoln."

We even put a "note" in our hat just like Abraham Lincoln did to remember important things!

"The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." Proverbs 16:9

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