I am sooooo excited to show you the phonics pack I just finished - Trace, Say, Glue and Write! My daughter is in kindergarten, and when I was making this she couldn't wait for me to finish the "Kk" page. She told me she got an N on her progress report because she was having trouble printing the lowercase "k" correctly, and she needed the "Kk" page to practice. Soooo, this pack was kid approved, even before it was finished!!! She sat down beside me working on the pages before I even had it finished. lol
A couple weeks ago, I finished Trace, Count, Glue and Write. It is the same idea but includes numbers, counting, ten frames and number words. I am working on Trace, Read, Glue and Write with CVC, CVCC, CCVC, and high frequency words. It will be finished soon!! :)
Also, remember, the HUGE 2013 Cyber Monday sale is coming up! All of my products will be 28% off. Check it out for some super great savings. Click on the picture below to find my TpT store.
"Enter the temple gates with Thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise." Psalm 100:4