
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Whole Group Instruction & Accountability

Whole group instruction is a necessary part of a teacher's day, but I want to make sure all of my students are participating, actively engaged and held accountable for what they are learning.  To ensure this I use answer cards.  :o)

With a few questions and the correct card, I can do a quick check for topic understanding.

In this Whole Group Answer Cards set,  I have included Yes/No, Fact/Opinion, True/False and ./? cards.  I continually update this set with different cards when needed and have them printed on different colors of paper for easy classroom use.    These cards can actually be used in any setting where individual student accountability is the goal!!  :o)

Click here to find these on TpT.

How could you use these in your classroom?  What other card combinations can you think of?

"For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them." Matthew 18:20

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